April 7, 2016

Success Stories

Acid Reflux

My husband suffered from acid reflux for years. The doctors put him on medication after medication without ever solving the issue. One of these medications was supposed to only be taken for a max of 14 days, yet they had him on it for years. After learning these medications cause various cancers, he tried to stop using them but would have violent and unbearable attacks. So, we started to do research on how to naturally help him out. But it was hard to figure out what was truth and what would really work for him. We decided to get some assistance and Rachel was a game-changer. Within a couple of months of working with Rachel, he was off his medication. It has now been over 2 years and he feels great.

Prescriptions & Medications

My personal experience with prescription medication has been a complete downfall mentally, emotionally, and physically. Since my early 20’s I had been prescribed multiple medications, Everything from Anti-depressants to Anti-biotics. For years my biggest battle was Stress, Anxiety, & inadequate sleep. Clonazepam was prescribed for me to handle daily stress. My dose was 2mgs every night before bed as well as a secondary bottle for panic attacks & surgery for the dentist. I have taken this drug every day for many years and never once did I think the outcome of not having this drug in my system would damage & cause so much harm. First and foremost, I was never told this drug was fatal if you just stop taking it, not once not ever!

I am beyond thankful for the support getting off of it & very lucky I didn’t go into a coma or have my heart stop beating.  I didn’t plan for this to happen, it just did. My doctor being out of town forgetting to add refills on my prescriptions, the pharmacist said she would be back Monday, and to buy melatonin as a replacement, I figured I'd be fine for the weekend until my Doctor was back. Day 1 started off moody, quiet, no energy, just filled with anger and sadness for no reason, no concept of happiness. Day 2 I woke up with motivation, still moody but trying to keep busy. Later that night I was in bed watching TV feeling withdrawn. My body got so cold so fast I couldn’t feel my hands or feet. I uncontrollably started crying, I sat up to get water & I fell back on my pillow and started drooling out of my mouth (Convulsing). Trying to call for help was useless I couldn’t talk, walk, blink or feel anything but my body shaking from my head to my toes. My eyes were open wide & my mind went blank. I felt like someone took over my body and threw away the key to any mental capability.

From what I was told by my Fiancé was that he had walked into the room; I was shaking crying and was not making sense. I couldn’t put words together to say anything, I reacted when he tried taking me to the hospital fighting him off & yelling NO. All I could say was NO. I was having delusions of being on the phone talking with my sister but was just talking to myself. My legs and arm muscles were spasming out of control, not being able to comprehend anything I closed my eyes and fell asleep. Day 3 I woke up as I had just got hit by a train. My head was pounding, I couldn’t think – my eyes were so sensitive to the light I had to go back into bed and close the curtains and put a blanket over my head. I stayed in bed the entire day confused, unable to focus or articulate how I felt to anybody. physically I had zero balance and fell a few times just trying to put on socks. The simple things of getting dressed, washing my face, became overwhelmingly difficult. It was as if I had lost my memory, anything I tried and failed my heart raced, any sudden movement or noise my heart raced. Going in the backyard for fresh air was uncomfortable for me, looking at the sky hurt my eyes. No-one understood how I felt, which made me question myself over and over, am I normal? I was currently taking the TAFYH course and had missed the last two lessons, so Rachel was calling me to find out why she hasn’t heard from me. Later in the afternoon, I had texted her letting her know what I had gone through, and thank God she had a solution. Talking with Rachel Validated what I was feeling which motivated me to get up, get ready and go to her house to pick up an ‘Emergency Protocol’ that she highly stressed. Driving was brand new to me, my heart was racing the entire time until I got home. The emergency protocol was taking 8 Mega multivitamins (MC) at once, 2 CoQ10 as well as a Chinese herb AD-C to help with the anxious feelings and stress as needed. I had to do this for 3x day. I tried my hardest to take all the vitamins possible but again just swallowing pills was a mission for me. For the next 48 hours, the only thing I could focus on was getting those herbs into my system, not long after I began feeling in and out of myself again. After 2-3 days with the emergency protocol, I couldn’t believe I had my balance back not only physically but mentally I felt like my brain was starting to become stable. Every day for the next week I was getting better at remembering the small things, I could walk faster without getting the spins, most important had a great appetite.  I did not take the full dose at first because I could not get them in.

Once I felt different that’s all I wanted to do was get these products in me. Every day I am learning my triggers and how to control my anxiety, I don’t feel numb anymore, Feelings of excitement that I haven't felt in years are back, my eyes are clear again. This was a huge breakthrough for me, a whirlwind experience that I can't ever forget. Rachel says that if I wouldn’t have taken this protocol sooner, I wouldn’t have had the seizure.

Body Pain

I went to my longstanding physiotherapist after being on the TAFYH program for 8 weeks. This man has been treating me for at least a dozen years. Maybe more. He is a world-renowned physiotherapist and sports coach. I went in and hopped up on the table with ease. I asked him if he had lowered the table because two months ago, I had such a struggle to get up that I had to use a yoga block to boost myself. This time - no problem - hopped right up there. He took my bad leg, bent it at the knee, and swiveled the hip around in its socket and his eyes nearly popped out. He said I haven’t been that loose in years! The physiotherapist’s parting comment - "whatever you are doing, keep it up. It’s working!"

My structural numbers on the BSQ that Blood2balance uses has gone from 12 to 3, I am no longer taking anything for pain, and I am able to walk normally instead of hobbling or relying on a cane for support. Circulation has gone from 6 to 2 and Urinary from 5 to 2. This is pretty exciting considering I started only two months ago. My blood pressure has started to go down – down from 154/76 to 135/75 so far! I look forward to seeing this go to 120! I have lost 12 pounds and one dress size, and my clothes all feel loose. That is a feeling I haven’t had for a very long time! I hope that this will continue its downward trend. I put this to having had no grains for eight weeks. A bread lover, I thought this was impossible to remove from my daily plan. But having a smoothie to start the day has taken the place of toast as a quick starter. The smoothie is filling, quick, and satisfies my needs and now I don’t miss the taste of the toast. However, I am not going to buy any bread because I am not sure I could resist the temptation if it was sitting there! My digestive system feels like it has had a “spring cleaning” and I am having normal movements for the first time in many years - perhaps even decades!

Gallbladder Stones

I got STONED! I started feeling super tired, couldn't stay awake, I was so lethargic, no appetite, nauseous and started getting a fever.  I thought "great I’m getting everyone’s cold". As the following week went on, I would start getting super odd on and off pains in my stomach, thinking nothing of it, as my IUD does this to me when I’m supposed to be on my period.  My fever started increasing, and I lost 6 pounds in a week, I wasn't able to even stay awake long enough when I got home from work to even eat. On a Monday at 530AM I woke up getting ready for work, I noticed my eyes were an off-white color. I started feeling the worst I’ve felt that entire week. I got to work at 7 AM and my fever was so high that sitting still I was pouring sweat at my desk. I was holding my stomach trying to make the pain go away. I also couldn't sit still, with the amount of pain in my back.  I ended up leaving at 7:40 am and went straight to the hospital! Once I arrived there, they imminently took my blood, hooked me up to an IV drip for fluids since I was so weak and over dehydrated. They got me into a room, not even 20 minutes later the doctor came in, was amazed at how high my enzyme levels were.  All the pain was in my appendix area. My appendix was so swollen and surrounded with fluid, I was sent into an ultrasound (internal and external)  .. Turns out nothing was wrong with it. Still, they couldn’t understand why I was in SO much pain.

I had to go for a CT scan after that.  At that point, they saw my gallbladder... I had so many gallstones... it was FULL OF THEM.  They still couldn’t figure out why my appendix was so swollen, but they guessed at that moment it had something to do with how my body was trying to protect itself from how sick I had gotten.  I was sent home the next day at 1 AM, with a date to get my gallbladder taken out. I could not eat anything for days now.

Rachel came over the next day. She made me a smoothie and helped me force some herbs down. I did the liver gallbladder flush.... for 2 days I passed around 250 stones. And they were fairly large! Just floated at the top in their green glory.  About every time I used the washroom for 2 days there were 15-42 stones in the toilet. Mid-day the next day, my energy was slowly starting to come back, I was able to eat, and I stayed awake for more than 5 hours just watching TV... which was huge with how much I was sleeping before. I started the flush on a Wednesday and was back to work on Monday feeling better than I had in months.

Thanks, Rachel!


I was having issues with being cold all the time, as well as an ability to lose weight. I went to my medical doctor a few times to get my thyroid checked and she kept saying to me that nothing was wrong with my thyroid and that it was probably just a symptom of aging. After suffering for a couple years, I went to Rachel to get my blood analyzed, at which time she advised me to go back to my doctor and request a specific blood test for my liver.

A few weeks later my doctor called me back with the results, diagnosing me with a non-alcoholic fatty liver. My numbers were through the roof, and she told me that I needed to lose weight, or I would develop diabetes. I was confused as I did not drink that much alcohol. After researching the side effects of untreated fatty liver, I decided to go back to Rachel with the results and see how she would be able to help me.

Immediately, Rachel told me to stop taking Advil, which I had been taking for most of my teenage and adult life, as I had always suffered from a lot of headaches. I also suffered from stomach issues, being tested over the years for celiac disease, crohn’s and colitis. I cut out all sugars, grains, started taking herbal supplements, and did the 3-day liver cleanse and gallbladder flush. I continued to take LIV-C daily. I followed Rachel’s advice and diet for 6 months. The weight started melting off, daily, my headaches were completely gone, no stomach aches, my insomnia was gone!!! After 6 months I went back to my medical doctor for a follow-up – she did my blood work and my liver enzymes went from a 39 down to a 9 – she couldn’t believe it!! I had never felt so good in my life – so much energy!!

A success story with the help of Rachel!! I have faith that no matter what your suffering from she will be able to help.